February 2016


Maggie Carpenter, MD and Amy Gueye, MD traveled to Senegal in February in partnership with American Friends of Le Korsa,(AFLK). In one week, they trained almost 40 providers and screened close to 300 women. AFLK has been working in Senegal for over 10 years in a variety of different projects in healthcare, education, agriculture and the arts. By teaming up together we are able to expand our capabilities and our impact. We look forward to continuing to work with all the talented and dedicated folks at AFLK. Thank you to all our donors who made this project possible!



Over two days, Amy and Maggie trained physicians, midwives and nurses in screening for cervical cancer using visual inspection with acetic acid(VIA) and visual inspection with Lugol’s iodine(VILI). Additionally, the medical staff was trained in treating abnormalities with both LEEP and cryotherapy. In total, 144 women were screened, and 15 were treated for abnormalities. The dedicated practitioners were enthusiastic to incorporate these new modalities into their regular practices. One of these physicians, Dr. Juliette Faye, is now trained to use the equipment donated by AFLK in her new women’s health center in Dakar.



Tambacounda hospital is a small hospital 8 hours east of the capital Dakar. Here, Maggie and Amy trained practitioners again in VIA/VILI methods of cervical cancer screening, and treatment of cervical abnormalities. Go Doc Go supplied the hospital with both the cryotherapy and LEEP equipment necessary for treatment.The women were lining up to be screened. In total, 146 women were screened in one day and 5 were treated. Future projects will look at training providers in remote areas near Tambacounda to screen sothat women with abnormal findings can be referred to the hospital for treatment using the equipment donated by Go Doc Go.